Don't Do Anyone a Favor-Follow Policy!
Don't Do Anyone a Favor-Follow Policy! By: Michael Fryar Sometimes something so small can turn into an HR nightmare. Let's take a look at Josie and Melody's relationship for example. Josie bursted into tears in the middle of the office, a tuna fish sandwich had brought her to a breaking point. Her co-worker Melody threw an old tuna fish sandwich in her garbage can, the smell was so terrible that it leaked into Josie's workspace. It wasn't exactly the tuna fish sandwich that broke Josie but instead this incident was the final of a long series of incidents in an ongoing conflict between the two since Melody started working in the department. As a leader, you tried to minimize conflict by sitting them down to talk, you moved their work stations, and even re-arranged the entire team. So much work went into managing conflict with these two but nothing improved the situation. The tuna fish sandwich made Josie realize that it was time to call Hum...